A lot of men I pity. I gravel with disgust at all the sexy, hot and horny men in holy matrimony, that must go to bed with a big fat woody nightly, because their loving wives have said "NO" to sex. "Not tonite hunny bunny, maybe tomorrow if i'm feeling up to it after I get home from juniors water balloon filling contest." "And you know I just got my hair done silly!" "Let's wait till the weekend, my hair should be all sweated out by then." Why do you tolerate this men? For the sake of tying the knot with your sweetheart, who is no longer sweet when time to meet. From a biblical stand point, the Bible says that a man and wife should deny one another but for a season(ie;your cycle), and that your body belongs to the other.It says that the wedding bed is undefiled, meaning that he is welcome to try and or do everything with you. Did you not discuss this before your bridal dress shopping extravaganzas. Before your many many sessions of sex before marriage? Are all married woman oblivious to the fact,that after becoming married, your man is going to desire you repeatedly because you are now his property. That he will be expecting sex from you repeatedly because he has given up having sex with the other women that you have chased out of his life. How selfish we women can become after tricking a man into a marriage. Yes tricking. If you knew your libido was not up to par with your guy and you were faking it you were tricking him. If you knew you were not really attracted to him but you married him you tricked him. If he can't get you turned on and excited enough to enjoy yourself with your husband then you tricked him. If you knew you were just looking for security and to have children you tricked him. If you constantly throw the kiddies in bed between you and your husband to avoid sex at night then you tricked him. If you are neglecting your husbands needs and putting the children and all there activities ahead of him,sorry... you are neglectful and being deceptive. Plan and simple...think about it.
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