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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why Do Women Stay With Men Who They Know Have Cheated On Them?

I have come to know many women who have landed themselves in some of the most unhealthy relationships for a lack of better words, than I have teeth. And fortunately,I am no where near close for dentures. I have been an ear to some of the most unbelievable perils, that only a horror film director could appreciate knowing.Usually, it all starts out the same old story. A woman meets a guy and immediately opens up to soon, and tells her life story.She reveals her wants, needs, desires,heartaches, financial situation, and that she holds the deed to grandma's bakery. Now, any untrustworthy gent that sits and listens to this hefty list, will naturally plan to stick around to see how things pan out for him. On the other hand, a guy with good intentions would automatically be turned off by the candor, and think of you as some sort of wacko. A woman will undoubtedly come off as mentally unstable if she unveils every boring detail about her life in one sitting. Most women make the costly mistake of looking for Mr. Right each time they are out seeking entertainment. Just for a moment, imagine how scary it must be, for Larry, who is just looking for a good time,who runs into Sherry, who is ready to marry.How is it possible to leave your house in a little black dress with 5 inch heels and a scarf, intent on shopping for a soulmate? It is not going to happen. A person should be going out with the intentions of nothing more than enjoying a night out on the town. In the event you meet someone special, things will roll along a lot more smoothly if you are not on the look out. A man will pick up on this desperation. And you will find yourself in a relationship that takes you no where but to buy more boxes of kleenex. Once a woman has filled her closet with tons of sexy women's clothing,matching purses, designer shoes, and tons of jewelry, it seems the only thing left to buy is a man. And some women wind up doing just that. It does not require rocket science to figure out when you have indeed attracted the wrong partner. There are always warning signs in the beginning stages that spell out disaster. Why some women choose to ignore these signs is no mystery. Yes we have heard that a woman who had an absent father tends to be more promiscuous. And that a woman who suffered abuse growing up will attract that same dysfunctional behavior in a her relationships. However, once burned you should learn from your mistakes. Far too many women spend far to much time worrying about getting married and having children. The focus needs to be on self-growth and self-achievements in order to feel good about yourself. To bring value into your relationship. Which in turns provides for mutual respect, honor, loyalty and commitment. A woman needs to first individually find herself, know her value and boost her self-esteem before entering into a relationship. When we are in a relationship with someone we should be adding to that other person's life, not taking away and subtracting. A lot of women make the mistake of trying to save or change a broken man. They tend to make the mistake of becoming his mother and thus enabling him. When the inevitable comes, cheating, abandonment, theft, beatings and all other sorts of violence, a woman finds herself trapped behind a wall of loneliness, confusing, immaturity, and desperation.Having a need to hold on to the only thing she falsely believed validated her.For this reason women continuously endure the hardships of broken hearts to broken bones.Emptied out bank accounts and STD's.And when it is all said and done, the very thing they thought their relationship was supplying them, will be the very thing that can destroy them.

What is your opinion?

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