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Friday, October 28, 2011

Manscholar 4U Ladies: HOW TO PLEASE YOUR MAN SEXUALLY....without fail! PART l

Manscholar 4U Ladies: HOW TO PLEASE YOUR MAN SEXUALLY....without fail!

Sexy greetings to all you beautiful ladies! You ARE worth the time and your weight in gold. Always know that. Now, first off, we have all heard numerous times and read millions of places that a way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Do not take that statement lightly, or as a myth. It is 100% accurate and so true. Ladies, ladies, ladies, I can not stress to you enough the importance of learning to cook for your man. I do not care how horrible things are on the flip side of life, you have got to feed your honey. And i'm talking Shake n bake not out of a box or can. This is one of those things where if you don't...some other woman IS! Before you want to even advance into the sexual issues, you have got to understand how first filling his belly with a delectable home cooked meal is going to delight him with so much appreciation and admiration for you that he won't be able to notice your other flaws in the sexual department.

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